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Introduction IT leadership in a time of digital transformation Digital transformation is reshaping the role of enterprise IT. Whether it’s dealing with the latest cyber security threats or implementing emerging technologies, IT departments must adapt quickly to the latest developments. Keeping pace with rapid change IT leaders are pursuing process requires IT departments to optimize optimization to fuel innovation and drive real business value. They have their processes to maximize ef昀椀ciency and effectiveness. IT leaders understand a greater understanding of process this, with 84% seeing processes as their complexity than other functions, greatest lever for value and fastest lever and are the most likely to use tools for change, according to our research. such as process mining to unravel this complexity. Just how many are actually using that lever to its full potential is, of course, There’s still a long way to go, with another question. sub-optimal processes currently costing time, money, and employee We surveyed 300 IT and digital leaders from large enterprises in Europe and morale. But reassuringly, 87% of IT leaders the United States to discover how they say process excellence will emerge as a core business discipline within the next currently optimize their processes. This 昀椀ve years. This presents a signi昀椀cant report is largely based on the 昀椀ndings opportunity for individuals unwilling to of that survey. As the 300 responses formed part of a broader survey of over accept the status quo, and IT teams ready to improve how their organizations 1,200 business leaders from supply chain, work. The time for these visionary leaders process and operations, and 昀椀nance, as well as IT, we also highlight cross- to galvanize change and drive real business value is now, in this era, and functional trends where useful. The results reveal a sea change in processes are the lever to use to make the way enterprises create value. it happen. The process era is here: an era in which optimizing processes will be as foundational to business success as product development, 昀椀nance, or sales. IT leaders have a strong grasp of the importance of processes. In fact, a full 100% believe process optimization is important (or even essential) to meeting organizational objectives. The Process Era is Here: IT Edition 3

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