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Harnessing AI and innovation IT leaders may be best placed to understand the enormous value AI can unleash 68% 94% for their organization. But they are also best placed to understand the foundations enterprises must lay before AI can truly deliver on its promise. As we’ve seen, 81% 94% of IT leaders are of IT leaders say interest in harnessing AI and other emerging technologies is already using or actively a major factor driving the need to optimize processes in the next 12 months. implementing AI There’s clear momentum around AI. In fact, the vast majority (94%) of IT leaders Of these, 68% are concerned process are already using or actively implementing AI, so they have 昀椀rst-hand knowledge shortcomings may of what is required for a successful implementation. And over two-thirds (68%) hold back further of these say they are concerned that process shortcomings may hold back implementation of further successful implementation of AI (as well as automation and other AI in the next two years emerging technologies) in the next two years. Reducing costs and controlling cash 昀氀ow Cutting costs is an inevitable priority across most industries and functions right 86% now. So it’s no surprise 67% of IT leaders put it in their top 昀椀ve factors driving process optimization in the year ahead. 86% of IT leaders feel process optimization grows in importance What’s more, 86% feel process optimization grows in importance during times of during times of economic instability. As we’ll see later, almost half of IT leaders feel cost reduction economic instability will be one of the top three outcomes of fully-optimized departmental processes alongside revenue growth. Adapting to change Many of the factors driving the need for process optimization relate to external 84% changes in the business environment. These include responding to competitive pressure, meeting changing customer expectations and ESG demands, and 84% of IT leaders say processes are their complying with regulations. greatest lever for value What’s more, two-昀椀fths (41%) say the 昀氀exibility to respond to change quickly will and their fastest lever for change be one of the top three outcomes of fully-optimized processes within their function. IT leaders clearly see process optimization as a route to increased 昀氀exibility, allowing businesses to seize opportunities in a continually changing environment. ESG is a big deal in EMEA Meeting ESG demands is seen as a more signi昀椀cant factor driving the need for process optimization by IT leaders in EMEA (68%) and the DACH region (64%) than by those in the US (54%). The Process Era is Here: IT Edition 5

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